Thursday 9 April 2015

Progress Report Only Half Way There 9/4/15

Hi Guys,

WOW, I think I did it. I think I've finished my first novel. The fiction novel!!!!

It just kinda sprang up on me that I had actually finished it. Can I be honest? It felt really anti-climatic. I will explain why.

Whilst I had started writing my book with a planned storyboard in mind with all the chapters planned out, that did not happen. In fact I had written about 20,000 words before I decided to start all over again and start from scratch.

I pushed through with the novel, aiming to write 500-1000 words a day. I wasn't able to meet that goal on a day to day basis, due to some days where I either didn't have the creative juices or the lack of enthusiasm. Nonetheless, I followed my planned storyboard and slowly but steadily each planned chapter got written.

There were certain parts in the book that I enjoyed writing more than others, for example I didn't love having to describe an office setting compared to describing Ivy, one of the protagonists.

But considering I wrote this novel for practice, this was such a fantastic learning experience and I enjoyed every minute of it.

But now what next? I have written the book but I haven't gone back to make any proper edits, what do I do now? Writing the book seems so easy in comparison to the rest of the steps needed when it comes to being a legit, self published author.

Should I look for a book cover first or should I focus on getting the book edited?
Or both?
Or should I focus on networking and getting my name and book out there?